We had lunch there. The lunch was very good for us to get our stamina back.
Walking took lots of energy away and we needed to get it back.

As the trip #8, we talked about the pee bottle at lunch.
Franziska also had her pee bottle but she said that girls use it differently
from the men.
She went, "Men have hoses so it's easy!! But it doesn't work the
same with girls. So I made my pee leak...
I had to make sure I didn't make a mess but made her sleeping bag wet...
" I don't wanna image that!! xD
In case of a mishap, I was so happy to be a man...
It doesn't stop there. When I went to my business, I just found some men
doing their businesses
outside in the wild but couldn't find any outhouses nearby. Then, Franziska
asked me,
"Where are outhouses, you know??" so I explained everyone did
their businesses in the wild. Then she said,
"I'm gonna do the same!" and went outside. So I shouted, "Franziska!! there were just men!!!"
But she just said, "I'm fine with that!!" Oh!! The lady who
got used to the mountains
is very strong mentally !! She totally forgot about herself being a female...
---------- Lava Tower ---------
After the lunch, we took a picture with Lava tower in the background as
a souvenir.
Some years ago, the strong climbers could climb up this rocky hill so I tried to climb too
but the guides stopped me saying, "Recently, the rock started to
break into pieces, so we don't know
when it's gonna break down completely. Very dangerous!!" And the national
park forbids to climb up.

-------- Heading for Barranco Camp (3960m) -------
We left again for today's final distination, Barranco Camp which is 3960m high so it meant that
we went back down for 700m from 4600m. As we climbed up 4600m high and
got used to high altitude,
it was easy for our hearts but our legs were so tired from the long downhill.
Around here, we saw African plants often.

Giant Groundsel:
The guides said, "Each branch is about 100 years old.
it means a tree with 5 branches is more than 500 or 600 years old."
Oh!! Really??
After the downhill, we made it to the camp. It took 3 and an half hours from Lava Tower.

------- Arrived at the Camp ------
About half and an hour before we got to the camp, it started rain suddenly.
So we just stopped by at the ranger station and soon escaped into my tent.
Because I was rushing, I forgot to take a picture of the gate...
But we stopped be worrying and thinking about the rain, and enjoyed the
Franziska said, "Hey, I can't eat anymore. So, would you like to have
mine too?"
"Yes!! Of course!!" So I finished her meal; very good for hydration
and to warm myself up.

After dinner, it stopped raining but lots of cloud still stayed so I gave
up taking pictures of stars.
And, first 2 nights, I hardly slept so I slept at 9 o'clock. Good Night!!! |