I went into his house. Does the real Santa Claus live??

I went along a dark hall way and upstairs, and in front of the room,
there was a line of visitors, who came to see the real Santa Claus.
My Turn!! Finally, I could meet the real Santa Claus!! Very Big!!
After that, I went downstairs to a gift shop to get pictures
and a movie for my memory; it wasn't permitted for visiors
to take pictures in the room of Santa Claus... I also got
and posted the postcard with the special stamp
that's only available at Santa Claus Village. |
After I got out of Santa Claus house, headed for
the Sanata Claus Post Office to post the christmas card for me.
It really got to my place in this December. Psst..."Hey!! Santa Claus!!
Can I get the christmas card but also Christmas present please??"

Santa Claus Village is just under the Arctic Circle: 66.33N,
and the border rope is up like the picture below!!