The driver drove Tammy and me from the airport to Moshi,
the town at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro. On the way, the sky was getting
so we could see Mt. Kilimanjaro from the window. When I was talking with
I asked him being worried, "Can I conquer Mt.Kilimanjaro too??"
"I'm here for you."
Tammy went. "We sure will make you stand on the top of Africa!"
What A Man!! I liked it!
I heard Tammy had experienced a porter and a chef before he became a guide. On top of that,
he completed all routes to the peak. He has more than 200 successful trips
under his belt.
How superhuman of him!
It took about 50 minutes to get to the hotel. When I finished checking-in,
I met Franziska.
It was the 1st time to see her since 2013, when I home-stayed her place.
She recommended the hotel to me strongly. No Doubt!! It was very beautiful
and so Africa!

I can sleep at last!!
Right away I went into my room, I went to bed to get ready for the adventure
until dinner...zzz
A curtain on the bed frame isn't just a decoration. It protects me from
In Japan, the mosquitoes always like me, but they didn't in Tanzania. Why??
----------- Trouble #2 ----------
The dinner time came. African chicken curry with bone was very delicious!

But... when I was having it, suddenly the lights went off. Yes, as I learned from Franziska
that Tanzania is a poor country, it doesn't have enough electricity to
cover everyone in the country...
So we got hit! Lost the power! No power for about 20 minutes...
About 20minutes later, it came back on again. But I could sense that
something wrong would happen again so I got back to my room after dinner
Then, when Iwas taking a shower in my room, I got hit again...
So, in the dark room, I had to take a shower with cold water, not hot water.
But Tanzania was in the middle of summer, so I didn't feel the water was too cold luckily.
After taking a shower it turned back on and went off again for the 3rd
and On and off again, on and off again...Enough is Enough!!
When I got back to my room from the restaurant, I felt a little hot, so
turened on an AC.
But...even though the power came back on again, it didn't get turned on
and neither wifi.
So I went to the front and told the reception about it. Then she said,
"We couldn't turn
the power on any more and had to turn off the dispensable power in the
hotel. Sorry..."
I had my 1st experiences in Africa country a lot. Hmm...
Good Night...zzz |