After skiing, the dinner time came.
Always I go to PORO for dinner, but disappointingly PORO has renewed its
so my favorite dishes; salmon soup, meatballs, and reindeer stake were
So I decided to try other restaurants on this trip.
---------- The Restaurant "Rouhe" ----------
This restaurant has the best review in Äkäslompolo village so I'd wanted
to go for a long time.
But it's far from the lodge I stayed and it's a little difficult to walk
there so I'd never visited there until this trip.

Inside was big, modern, and luxurious, and it has many kinds of dishes
but they aren't too expensive when it comes to what I orderd.

The salmon soup and meatballs that I love has arrived!!

★ The Food at Rouhe
The meatballs were much worse... I wanted them to come to me with cream
or berry jam like it supposed to be in Lapland that I know of. Even though
it came
with mashed potatoes, there were just like Chinese style meatballs without
any sauce...
But the salmon soup was a little better. it was a little thinner
than the one at PORO but one of the veggies that I haven't known ideas
what it was in the soup was a little sour and it went so well with creamy soup.
On top of that, the rye bread was very big and hard so it couldn't
even be compared with the small cheap bread at PORO.
A woman; one of the staffs asked me,
"You like us?? Do you want to be back again??" with her smiles,
so I replied "Of course!!" I wanna try the salmon soup there
again next time too.
To be continued!! |