Tody's Breakfast!! I don't remember any words except "Yummy!!"

I started to cross-country ski!! The weather had improved since last night
so it was clear that morning too!!
As always on the last day, I skied in the village center relaxing and enjoyed
Lappish mood leisurely.
And I saw a cupple of people riding bicycles on the lake.

I learned that the sports shop offer the rental bicycle services to visitors.
It looked much more comfortable than skiing. I'm sure that I'm gonna try
it next time!!
----- Navettagallerial -----
Going to my favorite cafe "Navettagallerial" ended my trip to
Ylläs this time!!
There is an older cute chubby lady, who has such a nice smile and charmingness.

Today's teasts!!
So creamy!! So chocolately!! It was MY TASTE!!
I did my business there too. Even the washroom had an unique wall paper.

A typical scandinavian house was right next to the cafe.
I saw some staffs going in and out. It seemes that they are living there.

To be continued!! |