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23:A Volcano in Antarctica "Deception Island"

After we sailed through Neumayer channel and Gerlache Strait,
we got to "Deception Island" in South Shetland Islands.

The Deception island is shaped like a doughnut and its center has a small inlet,
"Whalers Bay." Then we could sail through a narrow path into the bay.
The mountains surrounded the inlet were covered with snow.
As the expedition staffs explained, we can't see the snow usually, but this year was special.


We landed and started to walk from the beach to the wall on the hill for about 100m long.

This island is famous for the chinstrap penguin nests so we couldn't see
any gentoo and adelie penguins there at all. Also, a sleeping Weddell seal.


One after another, we headed for "The Window of Naptune,"
which you can see at the further in the middle of the left picture.


We could see the Antarctica sea from there. The expedition staffs said that
we can see also the Antarctica continent in the clear days.

The view inside the island from the hill↓↓↓

There were some rocks from the volcano
and some plants, which is very rare in the Antarctica.


Just when we got back to the beach, the weddell seal woke up and started moving.

We explored inside the island along the beach.
Many old buildings and broken hats were all over the place.

The deception island was the base for whales hunting for Norwegians and
the base for the U.K. Since they left in 1967, they had kept them as was for 44 years.


To be continued!!

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