On the way to the Harbor, the cabin was full so some passengers
including myself had to stand. Then a girl who is in the party of four
girls said to me,
"Our table is for six!! Why don't you join us??" Oh!! Thank you
so much!!!!! |
I heard they were students from China studying abroad in New York,
visiting Alaska during their summer break. They started to show
some interest in me by realizing I'm Japanese and asked me about lives,
and cultures in Japan. As we talked together a lot, the time passed by
fast. |
When we partied, they asked me to pose with them
and exchange our contacts so I did. It was a wonderful encounter!!
On the way back to Anchorage, I decided to got on an ordinary car
that was much cheaper than the observation car because it had already got
I arrived in Anchorage after 10 p.m, so only two bars were open.
I tried to have dinner at one of them but it had just some snacks
to go with alcohol. A staff said, "We just have some snacks after
10 p.m." |
So I ordered french fries and a plate of the chiken and mashroom pasta.
But!! the amount of each dish was so massive and got my empty stomatch
I was so busy all day long and so tired...... Good Night..... |