● The buffet at Hotel New Hankyu Osaka with my weight training companions

● Chinese restrant "Kyoueiken"
With the owner of chinese restrant in Bentencho; Toshinobu Takamitsu
He was once an All Japan, and Asian Bench Press Champion
as well as a Western Japan Arm Wrestling Champion.
His upper arm measurment is 21inch. It's as thick as Arnold's !!

● "No Limits wight training gym" in Tokyo
With the strongest Powerlifter in Japan; Daiske Midote
He was a formal World Powerlifting, Bench press Champion.

● Kinki Powerlifting Championship 2008 with my colleagues (2 nurses, 2 helpers),
who kindly came to show some support with their original bunner. Thank
you so much !!

● Trip to Hiroshima
With one of the most famous heroes in Japan; Ultraman

● Osaka Bench Press Championship 2010 with members of my sports gym
All have nice smiles !!

● Swiming in mid-winter with my powerlifting companions on New Year's days

● The top of Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, (3776m above sea level)
in August 2014
My hair exploded from the strong wind. I look like MEDUSA !!
