After shopping, I had my final dinner in Ylläs at PORO.
The annual ritual of the final night: Slmon soup and reindeer steak
I can't get back to Japan without having them for the final night!!
While I was having meal, I was checking my pictures in my camera.
Then a man: one of staffs said to me, "What kind of camera is it??"
Surprisingly, I replied, "It's Canon 6D," and he continued, "Oh!
Since we both have the love for picturs and camera, we had a great conversation.
And it didn't stop there, he brought his cell phone and showed his pictures,
which he had taken before, to me, even though he was in the middle of his
shift. |
Aurora/Northern Lights, fjords of Norway, starry sky, Milky way,
and great views all over the world... They were all Amazing!!
His cameras were Canon too, so I felt he was so close. On top of that,
he has 2 single lens reflex cameras and they are higher grade than mine...
Instantly, we hit it off, and he gave me his name and told me to find him on FB.
But, to my disappointment, I couldn't find him, even though
I tried to look for him right away after I'd got back to Japan... Hmm... |
---------- Enough is Enough!! ----------
After dinner, I looked up ths sky on the way back to the lodge, but It
got cloudy.
The moon and starry sky which I 'd seen before comming into restaurant
was gone...
Are you just kidding me??
After I got back to the loddge, the sky didn't change.
But It was the VERY FINAL NIGHT!!
I tried to go onto the lake and waited for Aurora/Northern Lights to appear. |
After all, there was nothing to be seen, so I gave up in 2 hours.
On my way back to the lodge, the thermometer caught my eyes.
It was just -16℃. The 2 hours in the cold on the dark lake
was simply a toture without Aurora/Northern Lights or starry sky......

---------- My Final Thought ---------- |
This was my 4th visit in Ylläs. Not only this time but also
the 1st and 3rd, I had the perfect weather during the day,
but the sky started to get cloudy in evening suddenly every time.
Could you give me a break?? Just show me your face
for the final night, or I can't go home with a big smile......
For some reason, I always get a surprise at the end......
This time as well, I'm not 100% satisfied with the final day. Good Night... |