F Over Horn Plateau
We could only see the white snow and ice.

G Over Mackenzie Mountains
Before the border of the US and Canada,
I could see snow mountains like fresh whipped cream.
H After the border, over Alaska (Again, in the US.)
Long time No see Alaska!! I remembered my visit in 1998
(In my college day's). Maybe, it was over a bit north
from Fairbanks, where is famous for Northern Lights.
I Over Bering Sea: The Border between Alaska and Russia
It was totally frozen. Sometimes I could see cracks.

J Over Russian Continent
Pure white mountains with snow and cloud.

K Over Kamchatka Peninsula
A diagonal line in the middle of the picture below is
the shore of Kamuchatka Peninsula. Sea of Ohotsk
is on the left, and the continent is on the right from the shore. |

L Over Sea of Ohotsk
Big froating ices were all over on the sea.

M Over the East Hokkaido. I got back into Japan finally!
Hokkaido was further back and the Sea
of Ohotsk was at front in the picture below.

Finally, we made it to Tokyo in the evening, and said "Good-bye"
to everyone, especially, to the tour conductour for me and Double Ks.
This trip was "The Precious 14 days,"
which most of the people all over the world CAN'T experience!! |